Or, What's Going on in the Writers Guild for the Week of September 27

The DAO continues to coalesce into a tightly woven morass of talent and effort. And as structures emerge and artists and writers converge, the Writers Guild continues to build. We’re welcoming new talent, developing partner structures, and honing processes for the greater dissemination of knowledge regarding the DAO, the metaverse, and the cryptosphere at large. So grab a glass or mug of your favorite beverage, settle in to your favorite reading spot, and read on to explore the many ways in which we are growing and the many ways in which you can get involved and contribute.

Welcome to The Scribe’s Quill.

Author: BanklessDAO Writers Guild Coordinator, nonsense 🏴

What’s On the Agenda?

We saw an inordinate amount of topics up for discussion in this week’s meeting. From Coordinape to Sobol coordination, we were witnesses to the inherent growth of the DAO. Here’s a breakdown of what we discussed:


Of primary interest to most will be the Guild Coordinape round. We have allotted 100k BANK to share with one another as both a reward and a way to celebrate each other’s contributions! The Coordinape round will begin on October 1 and run through October 7, consuming the final week of Season 1. Anyone with a Writers Guild tag is welcome to participate, including those of you on a Guest Pass. Take a moment to fill out the participation form so that you can take part.

BanklessDAO Website Copy

Our very own Theophile has jumped on board with the website development team to assist with copy. Speaking at the meeting, he mentioned the website development is a DAO-wide initiative and emphasized that Writers Guild members were welcome to contribute to its design and copy. MrPackman was gracious enough to offer us a sneak peak to the new design. You can see it from here.


The DAO’s Bpetes has started mapping out the DAO's projects and Guilds using a service called Sobol.io. This service provides a visual array of an organization’s projects and personnel. The design allows for filters to display the various positions and roles within a guild or project, with sections for goals and progress in each respective team or project. If you want more information, or are interested in contributing to this initiative, feel free to reach out to Bpetes directly via Discord.

The Guild’s Social Media Directory

One initiative that Samanthaj—as Talent Scout—is championing is encouraging new guild members to set up Medium and Twitter accounts. As a result, we discussed creating a directory with all of our members’ Discord, Medium, and Twitter handles. Head on over to the Writers Guild homepage on Notion to view the directory. Don’t see your name on there, or need to update the information available for you? Send your friendly neighborhood Guild Secretary, Ap0ll0517, a message with your (updated) information.

The Writers Guild Mastermind Group

Newsletter Team lead and Weekly Rollup Mastermind Siddhearta is dropping some Writers Guild alpha with the potential emergence of a Guild Mastermind Group. Mastermind groups serve to bring like-minded people together to dig deep and hammer out results in whatever realm the group exists to build within. From entrepreneurial thought to Toastmasters, Mastermind Groups have been around for quite some time. It’s prime time for the Guild to have one of our own. Siddhearta has gone to great lengths to outline the purpose of our own Mastermind Group, drawing up a document with his ideas on the direction this group may take. Read it here, and attend our meeting next week to find out the details for this coming guild member perk.

Get Involved

Writers Guild Weekly Meeting: Mondays at 5:30pm UTC

All meetings are held in the writers room voice channel in the Writers Guild on Discord. Feel free to drop in and learn where you can get plugged in. Or come in and listen if you want to get a feel for the space. Everyone is welcome.

Team Updates

The Newsletter Team, siddhearta | Organizer

Newsletter Team Sync: Thursdays at 4:00pm UTC

Discussion on the Bankless Africa newsletter led to a broader conversation about creating a Bankless Africa media node. The team will be meeting on Tuesdays at 12p UTC to discuss how best to combine ThinkDecade’s initial proposal with Timigraphicks’ proposal focusing on Nigeria. The goal of the project is to be a catalyst for continental development! To get involved join the #bankless-africa channel in project planning and join the weekly team call.

The Weekly Rollup roles have been filled! For this next edition, the Front End and editorial celebrating Season 1 will be handled by BcEthHunter, the Back End will be managed by Newsletter Team Organizer siddhearta, with editing responsibilities being picked up by EricCMack.

The Weekly Rollup and the upcoming DAO newsletter each include a Headline Piece; a Headline Piece Backlog and DAO Editorial Backlog have been created to build a list of qualified topics to write about. If you have an idea for a Headline piece, include it in the 'Idea' column. If you would like to pick up one of these pieces to write, enter your name into the 'Claim Topic' column.

If you are interested in contributing to any of our weekly newsletters, join our weekly Newsletter Team Sync.

The EPA, nonsense 🏴 | Organizer

Editors Circle: Thursdays at 9:00pm UTC

The EPA, abbreviated from the Editorial and Publishing Arm of the Writers Guild, serves the DAO in providing quality control for articles, submissions, and announcements that get published to official BanklessDAO written channels, namely Medium and Mirror. We work to ensure a consistent voice, strong presentation, and to safeguard the DAO's public representation. From the $BEDrock of DAO Treasury Diversification, by our very own patey.eth, to the Future of DAO Law: Building Beyond the States, by the lawyer-writer Eagle, the EPA is hard at work to produce and support quality content.

Our editorial process is on fire! Over the past three weeks, we have managed to make decisions on several pieces, completely clearing out the submissions folder. We carefully consider each piece for publication: any pieces not slated to be published are returned to their author; and those we decide to publish are moved through an editing and feedback system designed to maintain a high level of quality to best represent the DAO. Come hang out with us in our meetings to learn our processes, get involved, or figure out how else you want to contribute.

Submissions are open for potential publishing to Medium, Mirror and for the upcoming DAO blog. Any topic is welcome as long as it remains within the realm of the DAO (organization, governance, etc) or cryptocurrency in general.

Membership in the Writers Guild is not a requirement for submission. All submissions are subject to the EPA’s editorial process to ensure the content is in alignment with Bankless DAO’s mission and principles. As author, you have final say in whether the final edited product is published, provided that it is not time-sensitive and that an editor is available to review the article with you. You can submit an article here.

We look forward to your submissions and thank you for your contributions!

Client Services, Frank America | Organizer

We have been working with a number of external clients to draft, edit, and publish articles across theirs and our own channels. Among the clients we serve are Argent, developers of a smart contract wallet; iTrust Capital, a Crypto IRA company; and Perpetual Protocols, a Leverage Trading Virtual AMM. In addition, we are currently collaborating with Bankless HQ to draft a complete guide, with supporting articles for their partnership with Ledger. If your company is involved with cryptocurrency and how-to education, and you feel you would benefit from our Client Services, reach out to Frank America.

From Your Governance Staff

Samanthaj, Talent Scout

We have a robust and growing team of editors working with writers within, and external to, the Guild. As part of our efforts to improve the quality assurance aspect over which we are responsible, we have implemented an editing test designed to allow you to showcase your mastery over the written language, as well as your competency in utilizing the Editing Framework.

Congratulations to blackwhite and EricCMack for passing their editing tests! We’re very excited to welcome them to our team of editors and appreciative of their enthusiasm to dive into the work available.

Ap0ll057.eth, Secretary

The Writers Guild was busy during September and saw a lot of activity from new members. The Guild is set to remunerate 62K BANK from September 7th to the 28th and almost half of that is going to new members!

Shoutout to Samanthaj and BcEthHunter for taking charge and diving in! Samanthaj has already earned one-third of the required BANK to become a Level 1 Member in just 3 weeks!

BcEthHunter has been owning the Weekly Rollup Newsletter Front End and is set to deliver this week's Headline piece as well! That's a 3K BANK bounty. And RedCrystalDragon and dumgen.eth split a 3K BANK bounty for designing the new header for the Weekly Rollup. Dipp also claimed some Guild BANK by designing the header for the new State of the DAOs Newsletter to a tune of 3K BANK! Congratulations, everyone!

However, the Breakin da BANK Award goes to none other than Newsletter Team Organizer siddhearta! He is the highest earner in the Writers Guild, collecting 19K BANK since our last remittance.

Remunerations are scheduled to be released Friday, October 1st. Make sure you get your ETH address to Ap0ll0517.eth if this will be your first time getting BANK from the Writers Guild! Happy writing!!

nonsense 🏴, Guild Coordinator

I take an incredible amount of pride in the work we do here in the Guild. Everyone who contributes shows up with such excitement and enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and grow along with the DAO. It is downright inspiring. It seems like every week we have more work incoming. And with it, we have more new members ready and willing to pick up that work.

If you are one of those new members and you’re interested in editing for the Guild, reach out to Samanthaj who is fielding the tests mentioned above. If you pass, congratulations! If you don’t, no problem! Failure does not mean exclusion, it means an opportunity to grow. While you won’t be picking up work right away, we are open to working closely with you to help you hone your editing skills. We’re not interested in turning people away, we’re interested in developing high-tier writers and editors. If you have the patience to learn, a failure now means greater success in the future.

Writers Guild in Bites

What’s Coming Up?

The Council of Writers Weekly, Monday at 5:30pm UTC.

Weekly Newsletter Team Sync, Thursday at 4:00pm UTC

Weekly Editorial and Publishing Arm (EPA) Meeting, Thursday at 9:00pm UTC

Submit a Blog post

DAO Editorial backlog

Meeting Notes

Council of Writers, September 27, 2021

Newsletter Team Sync, September 23, 2021

Editors Circle (EPA), September 23, 2021

In the Beginning was the Guild

“In the beginning was the DAO. And the DAO was without form and void. and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And degenerates moved upon the face of the waters. And the degenerates said, “Let there be a Guild,” and the Writers Guild was born.”

Genesis 1:1, from the Book of BanklessDAO

At its inception, the DAO was naught more than a primordial soup from whence life sprang. It was a morass of talent and hype, and while it remains a morass of talent and hype, the morass that is BanklessDAO now is far more evolved than the morass it was then. The primordial soup was filled with ideas, and from these ideas grew a deluge of projects and organizations. At the time, ideas were a BANK a dozen (and BANK was worth far less back then). Many ideas failed to develop into anything more than a few typed out statements across a few Discord channels. Many ideas succeeded in gaining traction, but then failed to find lift off. Of all the ideas that were born, few went on to develop into something tangible, and even fewer remain today.

Few may remember the beginning clearly, but one thing is for certain: of all the ideas that were born, of all the structures that developed from out of the morass, the Writers Guild was the first. Of all the degenerates in the primordial soup, it was the writers who found each other and collectively took the first steps to build something foundational for the DAO. And while many arrived with the best of intentions to help build the structure that would become the Writers Guild, few were willing to start with the foundation.

But as anyone knows who has ever studied skyscrapers, the foundation takes the longest to build, in order to support a monolith.

Those few who were willing did the work. They showed up day after day, working ceaselessly and tirelessly, bringing their skills—the materials upon which the foundation was built—to the Guild in order to see it come to life. Those few worked thanklessly, yet full of hope, confident that what they built would not only last, but become a structure of insurmountable value.

These few were not wrong in that confidence.

Today, you have these few to thank for the work that is being created week over week for the pleasure of reading, writing, and editing. You have these few to thank for the revenue that is being brought into the Guild from sponsorships and client services. You have these few to thank for the possibilities that now exist for payment and remuneration, making writing a viable source of income in the DAO. And though they remain among us, working alongside us, continuing to build with us, it is unnecessary to know who these few are. You are a builder now. You are a part of the team. Continue showing up, ready to build, ready to do your best in the work you take on.

The Writers Guild was first. And that’s pretty fucking cool. And it’s become a monolith within the DAO, which is also pretty fucking cool. And you are a part of this, building this with us, and that’s just the most fucking cool. Welcome to the Writers Guild.

In service to you, the Guild, and the DAO,

nonsense 🏴