
Bankless Academy was established with the vision to educate 1 billion people in the Ethereum ecosystem. It will become an onboarding ramp for mass adoption in the crypto space. Students will learn about blockchain technology, decentralized finance, the metaverse, and safety and security. The Academy aims to act as an open source public service that teaches a student with zero knowledge how to become a fully competent Web3 user. This will be accomplished by presenting information through text, video, and graphics while ensuring the student’s knowledge comprehension and retention through interactive quizzes and quests. The Bankless Academy team consists of a diverse group of developers, educators, designers, marketers, AV specialists, and narrative builders to fulfill these goals.

Project Under Construction: Project page here

The Bankless Academy Journey

In the past 3 months, Bankless Academy has sourced talent from within the BanklessDAO and is currently building an MVP of the platform. Through daily content working sessions, the Academy has designed wireframes, written in-app content, and created a roadmap for the dApp’s future. The current iteration may be low-fidelity, but the potential for future iterations is limitless, with plans of gamification, metaverse integration, and unlimited financial empowerment.

Bankless Academy Minimum Viable Product Walkthrough

Below is an example of the preliminary Bankless Academy interface. Each course has key information such as knowledge requirements, learning objectives and goals, as well as an interactive task for students to complete. In the current iteration a POAP will be awarded as proof of knowledge. Estimated completion time is included to let students know the commitment required, and a completion counter is visible to show its current popularity.

Once students enter the course, they will see a mix of text and visuals, similar to the screenshot below. Content will be provided in written form, diagrams, videos, and any media that can fit on the dApp. The journey for this course is highlighted in bars at the top to let users know their progress.

Why Gitcoin Grants?

Beyond “Wallet Basics” and “Intro to DeFi,” there is a pipeline of additional courses queued for development. Doing so requires content curation, MVP development, image and graphic design, video production, and more. Supporting this grant will help Bankless Academy kickstart more courses and achieve a critical mass of content for the platform.

Examples of potential courses include LPing to Uniswap, Migrating Liquidity to Sidechains, Minting NFTs, Advanced Safety and Security Tips, and more.


Bankless Academy believes in the liberating effect of going Bankless and what it can do for improving financial wellbeing and stability throughout the world. Creating a public, comprehensive, all-encompassing education platform will ease the onboarding process for the masses and help traditional finance users discover the power of decentralized systems. The next wave of humans will quickly discover what Web3 can do for them. Supporting this project will propel the process of democratizing access to education that everyone can benefit from!

Bankless Academy GitCoin project page here